Sunday, March 1, 2009

Words of Wisdom

Here are some sayings of Jesus as recorded in the book by Marvin Meyer The Unknown Sayings of Jesus. These are taken from various gospels. "He said, 'I have come to make what is below like what is above and what is outside like what is inside, and to unite them in that place" (Gospel of Thomas). "Be filled with the spirit, for this reason I say to you, be filled and leave no space within you empty. For heaven's kingdom is like a head of grain that sprouted in a field. And when it was ripe, it scattered its seed, and again it filled the field with heads of grain for another year. So also with you, be eager to harvest for yourselves a head of the grain of life, that you may be filled with the kingdom" (Secret Book of James). "Do not let heaven's kingdom become a desert within you. Do not be proud because of the light that enlightens" (...James). "I say to you, if I had been sent [only] to those who would listen to me and had spoken with them, I would never have [needed to] come down to earth." (Secret Book of James).

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